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Creating Sanctuary
Spaces & Places

to Honor the Preciousness of All Life

The human heart naturally longs for a sense of 'home'

What we are yearning for is to come 'home' to the reality of

ourselves - to feel of the pure Love at the core of who we are.


As we do so, it opens the doors to Heaven on Earth.


As has been taught, the truth isHeaven is within us.

And, those doors are always open, continually inviting us in.

The doubt within the human mind and the habits which

close our hearts are our only barriers to accessing
the limitless peace of the 
Heart of the World. 


If we suppose that our opportunity and ability to 

Rest in Peace arrives only after we cross the 

threshold of this earthly realm, we will endlessly wait for it.

The wondrous truth is that it is our gift and responsibility to find that joy and ease Here and Now, in this precious life.


What if we, as humanity, make it our goal to come together to create places that ring the bells of Heaven on Earth?

Places where we are supported in coming home to the 

healing power within ourselves, to inspire a new chapter in the story of what it means to truly be human - and humane.

Spaces dedicated to fostering a sense of sanctuary 

in our body-mind-spirit, in our relationships, in our homes,

in our communities, and within the natural world. 


Jenna Darko & colleagues at Project Evolve are establishing global networks for holistic, 

multi-species sanctuaries. These spaces will serve as the central feature of a new Cultural Architecture to Nourish the Human Spirit as the Foundation for

Co-Creating a More Beautiful World.


The goals are: to foster individual and collective healing;

to recalibrate our relations within humanity, with the animal kingdom, and with the entirety of the planet; to come into
 alignment with our inter-being; and to catalyze

our evolutionary emergence into our higher human
for peace and planetary potential for abundance.

Sunset at the Beach
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